Monday, September 19, 2005

North Korea Deal (China's win, not Bush's)

ILLUSTRATED: Bush is still failing us on North Korea
First of all, North Korea's gesture to stop their nuclear program for energy and weapons is a good thing...for now. But this was NOT a victory for the Bush Administration. In fact, they were about to walk out the the six-party talks yesterday. This was a victory for China, seeking to be the dominant power in East Asia.
Also, since we did not engage in the bi-lateral, face to face talks that had worked in 1994, this deal could been struck years ago. In the preceding years, the North Koreans learned that much more knowledge. This knowledge can now be sold to other countries and terrorist groups.
So again, b/c Bush refused bilateral talks, we let China take the leadership role. We also let the North Koreans get that much more dangerous technology.


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