Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wiretapping, a sound bite

ILLUSTRATED: Democrats support wiretapping. Just get a warrant so we can make sure the government in spying on terrorists, not us.
Folks with the British plane plot and this judicial ruling by a Carter judge, we are on defense, when we should be on offense. We are all for efficient wiretapping and surveillance, but we need to adhere to the Constitution. There are checks and balances for a reason, simply go to the FISA court.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Focus holistically on National Security, not just Iraq

ILLUSTRATED: Democrats will put resources where they need to be to keep us safe. Focus on the big picture, not simply on Iraq positioning.

The problem: The meaning of being “anti-war”. Does it mean (1) you’re still festering over the invasion more than 3 years ago or (2) you’re critical of the execution of the war, or (3) you want a prompt pullout, (4) or all troops should come home, even from Afghanistan and slash the Pentagon budget in half?
There is no consensus over the meaning of “anti-war”.

The solution: First, National Security is going to be part of every national, state, and big city campaign….for many years. Be ready to speak intelligently on the subject [there are lots of talking points on this blog to help Democrats].

So say something like this: Look at the big picture, Iraq is weakening us. Democrats want to refocus our efforts on Afghanistan, our ports, and more spies to gather intelligence. That’s how Democrats will keep you safer.