Saturday, June 30, 2007

Top questions for the Active Voter

ILLUSTRATED: Ask questions about the fundamental roles of their office. Issue scorecards are not as important.

My favorite questions to ask of candidates:

President: Describe your leadership style.
What type of person should be Secretary of Defense? (the most demanding job in the Cabinet)
Who is your favorite member of the Supreme Court? (a president's longest lasting domestic legacy, and best insight into their real ideology)
(Personally, I am very concerned about crisis leadership ability. As I write this, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has had three terrorist incidents in his first three days on the job)

US Senator: What is the duty of the legislature vis-a-vis the Executive and Judicial branches?
Who is your favorite member of the Supreme Court? (a president's longest lasting domestic legacy, and best insight into their real ideology)

Governor: Describe your leadership style.
Who is your favorite member of the US Supreme Court? (a governor's longest lasting domestic legacy, and best insight into their real ideology)

School Board: What concrete steps will you do to help teachers in the classroom inspire children?


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