Monday, October 24, 2005

Right over Might

ILLUSTRATED: Democrats value law, Republicans lust for power.
The most distressing part of the 2000 Florida Recount was the realization that most Republicans are more loyal to their power base than to justice and the rule of law. Seeing GOP politicians and their flacks (who pose as journalists) downplay perjury and counter-espionage laws is further confirmation that our opposing party is the party of corruption. (Before I go on, I try to minimize partisan vitriol, as it takes an affirmative presentation to win elections)
Corruption does not necessarily mean graft, or even outright cheating. Corruption means not doing ones duty and instead taking the route of a quick payoff or acceptance from those with influence. An officeholder, like Kay Bailey Hutchison, has a duty to promote the rule of law, even from members of her own party.
We are the party that does the right thing.


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