Saturday, November 19, 2005

Two Issues for 2006...and their caveats

ILLUSTRATED: Intelligent Design and a Call for a good faith pull-out.
Intelligent Design- Even the conservative columnist George Will fears that Intelligent Design might split the post 1980 GOP coalition of libertarians and religious conservatives. Does anyone think that at elite private high schools and wealthy public high schools, kids will be learning that stuff in AP Biology? I doubt it. Intelligent Design and creationism are perfectly good subjects in a class on comparative religion, not science. So grassroots activists, here's our soundbite: "Elite high schools will not teach kids intelligent design in science class, no school should. Kids should learn it in Sunday School or a comparative religion class."
Iraq Pullout- The Iraq mess is ultimately a political problem, terrorism is just a political tactic. America wins if the Sunnis realize they have more to gain through the democratic process than by fighting. We need to earn their trust with an act of good faith. Our soundbite is: "The best way to boost our political credibility in Iraq, is a modest reduction of 20,000 troops. It will strengthen our hand with the Sunni population since they will be more trusting and likely to join the new political system."

Churches- For those in urban and suburban areas, we cannot get branded as an anti-church party. We may criticize the right-wing political agendas of some religious leaders, but do not criticize Christianity, churches, or organized religion per se.
Earlier today, I heard from one woman in a rural California county. Where she lives, the infrastructure for government services is very thin. Same goes for the non-profit sector. Churches are providing essential services for her community. Churches feed dozens of families, read to children, and care for the elderly. In short, churches are the backbone of her community, don't criticize them. She is trying to build the Democratic base there.

Defense- It has taken a while, but the country is finally coming around to realizing that national security policy making is very intellectual, not merely a posture of bravado. Hence, George W. Bush is unfit to be Commander in Chief.
But wait. We must be clear that some things are worth fighting for, and that Democrats will not hesitate to use force when needed. Strength and Smarts are not mutually exclusive, we must be both, like John F. Kennedy.


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