Monday, January 16, 2006

Al Gore's Eloquence

ILLUSTRATED: Keeping The Rule of the Constitution is Courage

Al Gore's speech was great. Here is the best link. It inspired me to the following:

-Courage is the antidote to definition. Nothing will inspire more courage in the American people that maintaining our constitutional system and processes. (On June 30 I commented about the necessity of these processes in national security making.)

-The "Unitary Executive" theory is a constitutional basis for unfettered rule of presidents. It not only shows the hypocrisy of the "Strict Constructionists" who claim nothing in the Constitution should change. It is a stupid approach to governance. Checks and balances prevent mistakes, corruption, and tyrrany.

-Calling for a Special Counsel is a good political tool to keep the NSA story alive. It is more palatable than calls for Impeachment.


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