Friday, April 06, 2007

A crafty new book on crafting a speech

ILLUSTRATED: How to spell SUCCES (sic) for political speech writers.
Made to Stick is a new book about business communication. It serves as a primer on how to draft a political stump speech. Use this as a Checklist for stump speeches or literature:

1. Simplicity- boil down your platform to the bare essentials, encapsulate it. A lay person needs to grasp the essence/concept in ten seconds or about two short sentences. Illustrations help.
2. Unexpectedness- make the message compelling and attention grabbing.
3. Concreteness – use vivid, tangible words. Pictures are great.
4. Credibility – establish your own trustworthiness. Selectively use data if you must.
5. Emotions – it should strike people in their gut and heart. Make people care about your issue.
6. Stories- make your point the moral of a short story, a parable.


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