Sunday, March 02, 2008

New Bargain

ILLUSTRATED: "The New Bargain" is a way to present our domestic program in a way that is pro-business

At this writing, both Senator Obama and Senator Clinton are still both slugging it out for our nomination. They are fundamentally the same on most domestic issues, as are most of our federal candidates, be they liberal or moderate. A way to encapsulate our program is to consider it a collective bargain with the American people. The Labor Movement has changed as the economy has changes. Companies will be slimmer, and people will not only move jobs, but move careers several times.
Without lifetime union protections, the government should be there to provide health care and assist with education and training.
Now, let's be careful and not fall into the trap of becoming the boring "human resources" party. In a post last summer, I commented on how we are the "HR Department" on domestic issues, and the "supply sergeant party" on defense issues.
The New Bargain must be presented in a dynamic way, that fosters business growth. Basically, by centralizing health insurance, we are freeing people to become free agents and not dependent on employers. With education/training we are promoting a talented workforce, and thus making America a pro-business environment.


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