Saturday, May 03, 2008

Traits of a leader

ILLUSTRATED: As a political candidate, a family member, or a leader, your communication and behavior should exemplify clarity, empathy, and backbone.

Integrity is usually named as the first important trait in a leader. After all, a leader must be trusted by the followers.  I make the case that it is clear communication.  A leader must not only be trusted, but must also keep up morale.  Telling the whole truth, can be quite demoralizing.
I think the trait that separates the Lincolns and Churchills from the other 95% of "people in leadership positions" is that they can encapsulate the whole truth in a way that is understandable and doesn't hurt morale.  A leader with integrity but who is inarticulate, cannot function in dire straits.

Empathy is also crucial, particularly in politics where you don't have total leverage.  Empathy does not mean sympathy, or justification, it means the ability to see through the other person's eyes.  Great leaders can not only see through another's eyes, but can communicate in their language.

Lastly, is the courage to stay true to the morals and ethics of the cause.  Integrity without moral courage is like cash without gold reserves to back it up. ( psst Actually, I am blending two traits here since the leader must buy into the cause first). 


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