Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The New Corporate Agenda: High Education and High Infrastructure

ILLUSTRATED: The new corporate money that will come into campaigns can help the Democrats

Yesterday's post was a warning about the probable changes in campaign finance law. The grassroots funding network that the Democrats built in 2008 will be met by corporate funding thanks to right wing activist justices. However, this does not have to be a bad thing.

Corporations are not bad things, they are self interested things. In general, a growing corporate sector is in the public interest. Many corporations want to support the Democrats agenda.

Industries like mechanized manufacturing, agriculture, extraction, transportation, and retail generally want low taxes and low accountability. However clean tech, high tech, and bio tech are different in nature. Their main capital is intellectual. To them an educated workforce and adequate infrastructure are the most important factors of production.

Democrats, perhaps led by Mark Warner, need to harness the CEOs of these sectors and support the Democrats' agenda.


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