Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Leaked GOP Talking Points

ILLUSTRATED: Redeploy, don't Remain

Here are the leaked talking points for the House Republicans memo. Basically it amounts to reminding the people of the scary 9/11 world we live in and that the GOP is strong for staying in Iraq, and the Democrats are weak for wanting to leave. "Resolve vs Retreat" is their mantra, and they are trying to make us look weak, as they did successfully in 2002 and 2006.

How we fight back: Redeploy, don't Remain
-Iraq is in a civil war now. The last thing American soldiers can do is force Democracy upon a diverse country at the point of a rifle.
-The key is the political involvement of the Sunnis. We get chits and credibility when we look like we want a political soluiton. In short "when we reduce our troops in Iraq, we increase our political strength in Iraq".
-With Iran, North Korea, and al-Queda festering, we cannot have 130,000 troops tied down in a hopeless military situation. "REDEPLOY" (don't say "withdraw", that sounds weak)


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