Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It is indeed about values, and we're on the American People's side

ILLUSTRATED: Campaigns are about convincing the voters that you will best handle the issues based on their values.

The Stem Cell Veto was the big domestic story today. Listening to the Ed Schultz show today I heard a Republican caller praise President Bush for standing up for his values, against the will of the people and Congress. While the caller was wrong in his policy conclusion, he was correct in his political analysis. This is indeed about values, and we Democrats need to take it right to the voters this fall.

On February 16 and March 14 of this year, I posted about how branding a party and a candidate is really about persuading the voters to trust you to handle the issues according to their values. This stem cell debate is just the chance we need: Democrats stand for X, Bush stands for Y. Repeat the rhetorical mantra with the minimum wage, bankruptcy, conservation, and of course redeployment in Iraq.

Caution: remember the messenger is the message. Since most communication is non-verbal, is you present yourself like a freak (outside of maintream values and lifestyles) your words will backfire. Like numerous past posts say, present yourself well when conveying our party's values.


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