Monday, December 17, 2007

Ideas and Values

ILLUSTRATED: Coalitions are about ideas based on shared values. Huckabee and Paul are exposing the hypocrisy in the GOP coalition.

It occurred me today that the biggest threat to the Nixon-Reagan coalition are the candidacies of Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul. I say this for the following reasons:

-First, coalitions are held together by ideas. Huckabee and Paul are as genuine as politicians come, and sincerely believe in their ideas. Huckabee is a conservative populist, and that includes basic Christian tenets of serving the poor and stewardship of the environment. Paul believes in less government, which includes less investigative power. Also it would include abolishing the unitary executive theory pushed by Bush/Cheney that puts the executive branch above the other two branches.

-Second, Paul will have the money to propagate his message across the country. That will reinvigorate small government libertarians in the party. Huckabee may or may not ever have Paul's money but given his new status as a first tier candidate, can propagate his Christian value system (which is very similar to our party on taking care of people's needs and giving opportunity and dignity to all) across the country.

-With these old constituencies spoken to, they will become aroused. And in 2008 and beyond, it will be difficult for the GOP to hold them together.

Going back to Alexander Hamilton, the GOP's main focus the interests of big business. They coalesced with Christian Conservatives in the 1970s to form a majority. But now corporate welfare, abuse of power, and the widening gap in opportunity and condition in America is tearing that coalition apart.

Be heartened, that our presidential and congressional candidates are fundamentally the same on core values.


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